
Don’t go to Harlow – just Be Well at home


Mayor Lutfur Rahman launches the Council Be Well Sports and Leisure Centres. He is joined by Deputy Mayor Cllr Maium Talukdar and young Centre users.

HARLOW IS miles away from East London, but apparently the Harlow & District Sports Trust runs a place called the Harlow Leisurezone – and they have found time to comment on some recent research.

Someone has looked into how often people do internet searches for personal trainers. Apparently there has been a 13.19% increase in these searches in England – and a ginormous 26.12% increase in London. Who knew? Health and Fitness Manager David Marringhton, from Harlow Leisurezone, said, “The New Year is the perfect time for a fresh start.” He goes on to recommend that people who want to get fit set themselves realistic goals.

It’s nearly a year since Tower Hamlets Council brought its leisure service back in-house. The borough’s sports and leisure centres, now rebranded as the “Be Well” centres, offer free swimming to women and girls over 16 and men over 55. This is the Council’s way of helping to reduce the incidence of “long term conditions” in these groups, such as diabetes and heart disease. (A swim can cost over £6 in Harlow.)

By bringing the service under the direct control of the Council, more opportunities have been opened up for local residents to work in the leisure centres, including young people looking to start their careers. There’s also a range of activites for disabled people as well as opportunities to play a range of sports.

●For more information about Be Well in Tower Hamlets, go to:
Be Well

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